$4.5 million school building upgrade recently completed!
The School is set in a spacious, open and well-developed site. The grounds include gardens, ovals, tennis courts; both grassed and sealed play areas and a larger adventure playground area. The school has a P-12 library, home-economics centre, a larger P-12 Activities Area and Gym, a Technology (woodwork) facility and a Performing Arts Centre (Graeme Good Centre).
In 2020-2021, Mortlake College underwent a $4.5 million upgrade thanks to funding from the Victorian State Government School Building Authority (VSBA).
This upgrade involved refurbishments to the school entrance and secondary wing and a new purpose-built P-2 Learning Area. There are open spaces for students but also traditional classrooms.
The school has a large oval area as well other age/year level specific playground and recreational areas.
The school entrance an administration area is located on the south side of the school (Hood Avenue). The school facilities are regularly used by the community as a meeting venue, instrumental music tuition and sporting pursuits.
The school continues to invest heavily in its facilities. Some of the more recent works include the landscape and shelter areas.