What is the Function of School Council?
Establish the broad direction and vision of the school within the school’s community.
Ensure student’s best interests are primary.
Enhance the educational opportunities for students.
What is the Role of School Council Members?
Parent members bring expertise and views to council on behalf of the whole school community.
Who is on School Council?
There are 3 categories of membership:
School councillors are elected for a 2-year term.
Terms, rights and responsibilities of community members are the same as those of elected councilors
What about the Elections?
The Principal conducts the elections.
These are held in March each year.
If you decide to stand for election, you can arrange for someone to nominate you as a candidate or you can nominate yourself.
Your nomination form needs to be returned within the time stated on the Notice of Election and Call for Nominations.
Ballots are only held if more people nominate as candidates than there are positions to fill.
Make sure you vote and encourage other parents to do the same.
Why would I want to be on School Council?
It’s a great way to get involved and have a real say in what your school is doing for you child/children.
It’s a very good way to help present and future students of our school.
Your child/children may feel a greater sense of belonging with the school.
Do I have what it takes to be on School Council?
You need to be keen, but don’t need to be an expert.
You need to be able to work in a team.
You do need to be prepared to commit the time needed to ensure the of council gets done.
School Councils work best when they have people from a variety of backgrounds and have different experiences.
School Council meet on the following dates in 2024
Term 1
Tuesday February 13th
Wednesday March 13th (AGM)
Term 2
Tuesday May 14th
Tuesday June 11th
Term 3
Tuesday July 30th
Tuesday August 27th
Term 4
Tuesday October 22nd
Tuesday November 26th
School Council meet on the following dates in 2025
Tuesday February 25th
Wednesday March 25th (AGM)
Where can I find out more?
Acting Principal, Michael Castersen
The School Council President, Bruce Goddard
Volunteer for a sub-committee that interests you.
Enquire at the office.