Our Visual Arts Program is designed to foster the imagination and creativity of children as well as teaching students scaffolded specific skills and processes, whilst reinforcing concepts learnt in the classroom.
Visual Arts is a fundamental means of expression and communication in all societies. Through Visual Arts we are able to gain a sense of our social and individual identity. Study in Visual Arts gives students access to the cultural diversity in their immediate community and the broader Australian and International context. Students are able to learn to recognise and value the cultural forms and traditions that constitute artistic heritage.
In Visual Arts, students learn ways of experiencing, developing, representing and understanding ideas, emotions, values and cultural beliefs. They learn to take risks, be imaginative, question prevailing values, explore alternative solutions, engage in arts criticism, develop, practise and refine techniques, share opinions and extend the limits of the arts.
At Mortlake College children experience a program structured on the children using different media, to express themselves.