Mortlake P-12 College encourages all students to take part in the performing arts program. The F – 6 classes create and perform a concert for the school community. This is a wonderful opportunity to develop and showcase student performance skills.
Throughout the school year students from F – 10 are able to attend a number of performances, plays and workshops both at school and while on excursions. Our school has a fantastic variety of instruments and creates opportunities for students to learn and perform at assemblies and at formal concerts. At years 7 – 10 students are given the opportunity to be involved in the step by step process of researching, creating, rehearsing and performing in our annual full-length musical.
Students at VCE level are given the opportunity to study Drama and Theatre Studies. In Drama students create their own performance in response to stimulus material and present this to an audience. They also participate in external VCE performance exams. In Theatre Studies students interpret and present an ensemble performance to an audience and prepare and present their interpretations of a monologue as part of the VCE exams.